

TOD MON Thailand food make money and business.

     Fish Cake Thailand's menu with flavors of the spices used as ingredients of meat.

A selection of fish flesh fish. Intelligence , which is fish and freshwater fish taste delicious when taken .

A fried fish with fried fish, and therefore the identity of those who do good. Present rather difficult

Because this menu requires expertise. Age or work in the craft for a long time .

And must have the  Ingredients in the right amounts . And the steps to make the cakes are sticky when chewed.

Is considered the most difficult step , and a few tips to make fried fish shop that is famous .

Go far because the cakes that you have enough knowledge, not much could be done. However, fried fish , sticky chewing sticky.

Delicious is not easy to be achieved. But also remember the following tips , which remain to be better.

Leave the menu Thailand This class lost with the older generation had passed on from one generation to the next trick .

All these tips and step This site is in all . What are some must-see material .


Remove the meat, fish , meat, fish , grated 1 kg .
Only the smartest fish fillet , grated 1 kg .
Salt 1/ 2 tbsp .
The dried pellets 2 matches
1 dash lemon grass, sliced
Private shredded 1 matches
1 dash of garlic , peeled
Shallots , peeled 1 matches
3 tablespoons shrimp paste
1 tbsp shredded kaffir lime skin .
Kaffir lime leaves 2 tablespoons
Salt 1 /2 cup water 1/2 cup ( saline) .


Mortar with pestle 1 set

A large basin for a mixture of 2 kg 1 leaves.

1 piece pan

Turner 's first

Palm oil for frying 1 bottle

     One important tip is. If fish smart and fish is a fish is fresh fish should be in the fridge .

Normal for 2 nights Failure to do so will make it much more difficult to scrape the fish off . However, when using this trick did.

2 nights , then scrape out the flesh of the fish. Makes it easy to scrape And fish are not attached to bone .

Steps to do that When the ingredients and prepare all ingredients . Start with the herbs

Thailand all be pounded in a mortar. Since the lemongrass , shallots, garlic, dried chilli , galangal , kaffir lime skin pounding all .

Together until Then add the paste to it. Pound them well again . Then it is mixed into the curry .

Scrape meat prepared mix the two together in a basin with a hand massage while the massage is to bring water .

Pour salt prepared to switch to a massage at a little crumpled fish. The brine is then to have a massage .

Until that time, this will be the most important step of making a sticky chewing delicious fried fish .

Squish is the moment when the massage continued to feel the fish on the palms are sticky to touch.

     When it is considered that Cake recipe , which is done in the process of a fish massage .

Taste delicious when eaten Then, when the fish through the crumpled by hand until sticky then . The statue was brought

Radius of about 1-inch balls , then flattened and spread your fingers to pat the fillet thickness.

About 1 cm wide and about 2 inches from the prepared pan to heat. Heat oil for frying

And when the oil is hot , use a medium heat. Then put in place a sheet cake out onto one sheet .

I noticed that when fried in oil floating on the surface. Held that successfully cooked Ready served immediately.

If you make a sauce to eat with it . Can make the following ingredients

To 1 cup sugar
Tamarind juice 1/2 cup
Salt 1/ 2 tbsp .
Dried chili 's pounding grain in 1/ 2 cup .
Vinegar 1 /2 cup
Syrup 1 /2 cup

Put all the ingredients into the container. Bring to a boil Sour taste is mellow and spicy .

Little fish fry sauce would be delicious served with a vegetable side for a couple or a cucumber .

