

Selling grilled banana.

Selling grilled banana.

Selling banana A career low cost Sales and profits It is a diet that is beneficial to the consumer. And in this world , too. Bananas are one kind of fruit has many benefits for children or adults eat it ages , it can be eaten. And also the sweet taste delicious. Especially the banana processing is distributed to each. Alluding to add flavor and taste sensations more.

The research found that just two bananas a result , it can add energy to the body adequately with exercise up to 90 minutes, so it 's no wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's top athletes . Not only boost energy , but also help to overcome. And prevent various diseases that are born with many physical ailments such as anemia, blood pressure , constipation, depression, hangovers, heartburn. Intestinal ulcers It also helps to control the temperature of the body. Should eat every day

Career "selling banana " can be either a career in leisure . Even professional money making so many people succeed in many cases. This career is attractive career too. Because there is very little risk of loss compared to other businesses. But the profit was worth it.

How to make a delicious banana .
How to choose a banana

The ivory color shifts banana is a banana with the ends of green Sam and the base is yellow. Also known as the bananas are ripe enough. This is fairly easy grilled skewers easy and delicious it is.

Banana, yellow banana is ripe and messy. Time to make the drop and flat skewers will not fall out of trees. Mostly used to make banana banana banana to chose the ivory color shifts . The flavors are delicious, appropriations It is also easy to grill lighting.

How to eat a banana The banana is not difficult to prepare , what it is. Small sharp knife handle And plastic gloves We hit nails to prevent or bananas . Start by cutting the head end of the banana leaves and cut down either side of a line as a single line . After peeling a banana is not easy.

Why do we have to cut the head end of the banana leaves . Is because the roots of the banana is time we put the tires stuck to the grill to make banana wilt and bananas are leaking a black banana tart taste .

And the end of the banana will look sharp curve up at the ends , making bananas look beautiful. Do not eat And cutting head also makes it easier for us to skewers and grilled again.

How to control fire to some extent with grilled bananas. Depending on the day we shift to sell it for about a banana comb. Suppose that we are selling , it would take about 50 combs charcoal bags around 7 From the charcoal grill and all poured into the fire and let the coals into a charcoal -fueled fire.

Then scoop the ashes poured over into the furnace updates. To reduce the strength of the fire. And try to stay dry in front of the stove to see me feel very hot if it feels hot , pour over a scoop ashes updates.

Wait for the heat is just not very hot. If we try to hand it to dry in about 10 seconds without feeling hot. It can lead banana skewers and then grilled it.

Gravy recipe banana mixture .
(The amount of gravy mix shifts to one pot if you do not eat them . May not have put this much volume or not) .

One . Sugar, 1 kg .
Two . Dough 1 bag of corn
Three . Elite pitchers 1
4th . , Salt, 1 cup
Five . Coconut water 1 pitcher.
6th . Beef coconut It will make easy meat Naruto And to some extent , cut into strips about 1 cup ( if you do not put any coconut meat ) .

