

Gourd vegetables with high nutritional value .

Gourd vegetables with high nutritional value .

Gourd is a vegetable with high nutritional value . The nutrients that are beneficial to health such as beta- carotene , which is very useful to the eyes . High-fiber rod , which can trap nitrate well. Thus, the lower the risk of stomach cancer . Gourd can be used to cure fever. Even cookbook quack medicine is also used to solve the gourd diabetes.

Gourd is a vegetable gourd fast it may one day grow up to 10 cm , so the planting gourd . Therefore be cultivated in pots tall . Or container large enough Oval dishes may be planted around porch. Or hanging them out to you.

How to plant gourd It can grow in two ways There is a growing by cutting branches from a vine leaf is concave groove. Vines are 15-20 cm long with a diameter of approximately 7-10 mm pin down the base of the soil directly. The rainy season should be planted The gourd tree to grow faster than the other , it is about 20-25 days , cuttings, roots and branches are grown. Gourd , not like in the wet. So airy and crumbly soil must drain well too.

The second method is Planting gourd with seeds in. This method is simple The first time for the seeds of the gourd wayside. By the gourd is red on the tree. The sheep are to be found the seeds inside. The seeds for the gourd to grow . However, this method takes a little longer to grow. And children wait at a ripe gourd . They also have to contend with birds. Because birds do not like to eat the gourd is cooked as well.

After I planted gourd 16-16-16 fertilizer to each pot 1 tsp often then not watered regularly, about one month, it will be able to handle it. At first when I saw the gourd blooming flowers to cool entirely. Not to be a party , flowers and children. It will enable us to keep the gourd eaten throughout the year too.

