

Aviary cage Thailand OTOP 4 Star.

     Aviary cage Aviary is a type of bird species that make up the so called cage cage .

Bulbul bird in the family . This is the culture of many birds in southern provinces of Thailand.

Almost every house is usually hanging cage . Much less , but the passion of the community in the past has been .

Bird cage Captured from the wild as a pet , then count 100 years, but residential culture is not widespread just to have.

Rearing seriously and has been contested since 2519 , or about 30 years ago and became very well fed .

It's a lifestyle Parties from the village, district , provincial and national level. Additionally to

Malaysia and Singapore In the south , there will be a contest for the contest.

     Therefore , it has made ​​a career cage cage for sale. Enlarged and more A higher standard

Production even more beautiful as well as development of OTOP products of another kind .

Thailand to create jobs for the people of the South . Cage, cage is made ​​of . Local materials such as

Bamboo, wood carving tools, wood head cage . And carved it all . Each model was

Different is beautiful Whether it is a purely natural color of wood or a lacquer carving .

The beautiful polished wood coatings . Or painted dishes tinged with a dark brown color this.

It depends on the imagination of the creative process that you want to give them a piece of you. The price was based on

And the difficulty of each model. Including materials and procedures as well. Available to buy from the cage .

350-1000 baht depending on the wealth of the buyer. Or the preference of the individual Products can be purchased at 14.

Moo 1 Sorted District , Narathiwat Province . A province in the south of Thailand itself.

