Juice and marigold marigold marigold both less is kind of a big flower and small flower . Juice can be used as a pesticide pests. Also, it can resist the destruction of many nematode species. Sam and marigold planting crops such as potatoes, tomatoes, bananas , pineapple plantations were destroyed or eliminate nematodes significantly.
Marigold is a plant that last year alone it will die. Both the leaves and the smell when crushed and are very pungent odor . The juice of the leaves Leaves or stems of 3 cubic centimeters. Mixed with 1 liter water can damage the moth is about 50 % that is used to eliminate aphids, whitefly , caterpillars, nematodes.
Neem (Azadirechta indica) Neem is a fast growing tree tolerates drought well, roots, leaves, stems, extracted from the seeds of the neem insecticide can use more than 100 kinds , but not harmful to beneficial insects or people. Using a variety of insects , such as aphids, beetles, marinated vegetables, cotton aphids . BPH Green aphids, cicadas Cotton whitefly Butterflies sweet cigarettes Butterfly caterpillars creamy citrus borer borer , nematodes, etc.
Achieved by the various parts of the neem crushed thoroughly soaked in water for one year, leaving 1 night filter out the waste water is sprayed to kill insect pests.
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If natural methods do not work.
Fungi built using Web Berea does not it. Root-knot nematodes requires bringing fungus Siofok city reminded me Layla Nasser City .
Time to mix humic The Sigma 5-10 grams per 20 liters encourages new roots to grow faster.
Early foliar spray 20-10-10 formula or a formula similar to the roots because the food does not suck .
Papaya Garden members at Korat same problem . Now recovered after treatment to three times.